-Ms. Ingannamorte
1. Can’t leave the house without… My debit card.
2. Favorite TV show? The Vikings
3. If you weren’t a teacher you would be… Chef
4. Are you a morning or night person? Night
5. Favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate
-Mrs. Burns
1. Favorite color? Green
2. What is one thing on your bucket list? Visit Alaska
3. If you could learn any language what would it be? Latin
4. What three items would you pack if stranded on a desert island? 1. Books 2. My Husband 3. Books
5. What superpower would you most like to have? Invisibility
-Mr. Farinola
1. What is your favorite movie? Anchorman
2. Favorite fruit? Mango
3. Dream travel destination? Iceland
4. Which celebrity would you most like to spend the day with? Will Ferril
5. Describe yourself in three words? The best, ever.