The Imitation Game, a film directed by Morten Tyldum, follows the story of brilliant mathematician, Alan Turing, as he tries to come up with a way to crack the enigma code during World War II. Starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, this biography is most certainly worth all of the Oscar attention. The film was intriguing, suspenseful, and compelling.
Not knowing anything about Alan Turing before watching the movie, I can say that he was one of the most important men during World War II. After all, Alan Turing’s work inspired generations of research into “Turing machines,” which are known as computers today! Alan Turing’s work was pivotal in paving the way for the creation of computers.
Moreover, the film was heartbreaking at moments. Alan had to face a lot of negativity in his life due to his work on the code breaking machine. As people were trying to bring Alan down at times, he never let people destroy his work. Overall, The Imitation Game really gives the audience insight about one brave man’s journey in trying to help with the war. The film also showcases brilliant performances by all of the thespians. Viewing this film is certainly worth anyone’s time!