Students in North Arlington had the day off on Monday, October 15, 2012. Meanwhile, teachers from North Arlington school district spent the day at the high school. They attended workshops provided by the district. Teachers attended workshops to learn more about things such as iPads, Assistments, Turnitin, Google documents, Glogster, Gale resources and many other technology oriented presentations that they can use to implement lessons in the classroom.
These workshops were either given by district teachers or by outside presenters. Diane Schulthes , district director of curriculum, was interviewed about the professional development day and explained how the purpose of this day was to “brush up on the curriculum.” There were workshops for everything – from writing to physical education. Teachers learned about many useful tools that they can use in the classrooms. The purpose of these workshops is precisely to benefit the students and how they learn in each subject matter
The guidance department also had a full day workshop which consisted of planning future career curriculum activities. An Apple consultant came in to present an Apple Workshop about using features on iPads to help students from K-5 with reading. These are just a couple of the workshops that took place on Professional Development Day. This professional development day wasn’t the last one this year. There is another one scheduled for December 4th, 2012.