HANDS – Casino Night 2016

On Tuesday, November 1st, The National Honor Society held the annual Casino Night in the North Arlington High School cafeteria. For the night, members of the HANDS organization came to North Arlington High School to enjoy a night of fun games, crafts, and dancing. Without a doubt, it was an extremely successful night, as everyone had an elated smile on their face the entire night. In fact, since it was such an enjoyable night, the members of HANDS are coming back to NAHS on February 7th for a Valentine’s Day dance!
Truly, we would like to thank Mrs. Kusher and Mrs. Fitzgerald for organizing this event, and all of the other staff members involved in making this night possible – especially the administration for enabling this special evening to take place. As for the members of National Honor Society- all of your help with Casino Night was truly appreciated. When February comes around, we will all be ready for another memorable night!