Stevens Institute of Technology Diversity Hosting Weekend
It is very important to take advantage of every opportunity to visit a college you are interested in. Fortunately, I was accepted to participate in the Stevens Institute of Technology Diversity Hosting Weekend along with over 100 high school seniors nationwide – some came as far as Maine or California! This event allowed interested applicants to experience life on campus by shadowing a current Stevens’ student.
I was partnered with my host, Carly, a Stevens’ sophomore majoring in computer science. We visited the library, many dining halls, and numerous facilities. Since Carly is in charge of many institute events, she was able to share much about the planning process and school perks.
In the afternoon, I was brought to a lecture hall for an admissions information session and student panel. There, the students’ passion really shined. Attending the institute for over 5 years, they were able to speak positively on its behalf and were full of stories about their growth, stating, “You will grow as a student as well as a person. You will learn all the skills you didn’t in high school.”
After a long day, the experience only made my interest in this school stronger. The welcoming student body, friendly staff, and active campus really made me feel at home.