Early College Program Reflection

This year, North Arlington High School has broadened the horizons for the upperclassmen. Juniors and seniors have been given the opportunity to take college level classes at Bergen County Community College, tuition free for parents. The number of classes a student takes per week varies according to internships and academic requirements at the high school. With all interests in mind, classes range from Western Civilization to Business to Public Speaking. In my case, I took Public Speaking for my first semester. Public Speaking would take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:15-2:49. Although the class would extend past the normal school day, I didn’t mind extending my day since the class was enjoyable.
Taking Public Speaking has significantly enhanced my communications skills. I learned about the different forms of communication as well as how to properly deliver a speech. Throughout the semester, I gave a demonstrative, informative and a persuasive speech. In addition to learning useful communications skills, I have enjoyed the college experience as a whole. New freedoms are visible when students no longer raise hands to leave the room and engage in conversation. Of course, classes are longer, but there is a lot more time in between classes, which allows enough time to get work done. I look forward to continuing this beneficial program during the spring semester.