NJIT – Splash Day
This spring, I was able to attend the second annual NJIT Splash Day- a day dedicated to high school students to take classes taught by NJIT college students! The options ranged from fields in the arts to math and computer science with classes such as Fundamentals of Drawing, Be a BME, Intro to Turkish, How to Build a Computer, Intro to Organic Chemistry, Hip Hop 101, etc.
I took classes from 9 AM to 3 PM, totaling five classes and one lunch period. As I aim for a career in computer science, I geared my schedule to focus on classes such as: How Computers Work, How to Build a Computer and Introduction to Computer Vision. In addition, as I plan on attending NJIT in the fall, this was a perfect opportunity for me to visit the campus and meet new people. The most challenging thing for me was probably getting to each class on time across campus!
All in all, it was a very insightful experience and I am so pleased that I participated in it. The intimate hour-long classes with sizes ranging from five to twenty people engaged me fully in the lessons. I wish I had heard about this program sooner because it would have been great to put down on my college applications. Therefore, I highly recommend any high school student to take advantage of this program and attend next year.