Light It Up For Autism
April is Autism Awareness Month and North Arlington takes this very seriously. We have coordinated a Light It Up for Autism event that impressed all who attended and partook in it. It took place at the Senior Borough Hall on Sunday, April 7, from 2:00pm to 7:00 pm, and it was a day full of love and welcoming hands. This event wasn’t just for children with autism, it welcomed everyone from all over town as well as other towns and that’s what made it special and over the top.
Coloring, face painting, temporary tattoos, delicious food and desserts – the afternoon brought a ton of fun for everyone. There was a time when people could buy raffle tickets and place them in the prize buckets and later on that night, numbers were called to announce the winners of each prize. A door prize was given as well and a 50/50 prize to anyone who bought the tickets. Loads of prizes ranging from candy pyramids to gift card certificates for places all around town were awarded. Batman made a special appearance and the fire truck came by so children and adults could enjoy some time outside.
The night ended with everyone at the event posing for a picture. Laughter surrounded the atmosphere and it was a night where no one was left out. The message of this event wasn’t only to spread awareness for autism but also to say that we are all equal no matter the differences we hold in our lives.