When you watch television shows or movies about students who are in high school, most likely one of the segments will involve dissecting something. Dissecting is always something that most teenage
boys look forward to; however, girls do not always agree with it. If you are an animal lover, I don’t believe that you should look at the situation as if we’re causing harm to already dead animals. I believe that people should view it merely as an educational experience where students learn how the cat functions and about the shape of its organs and body type. In order to help an animal, such as a cat, one must first understand how it works, just like doctors do with human beings.
Pathologists are the doctors who determine the cause of death of humans and they perform a dissection or in correct terms autopsy. What is the difference between what students do and what a Pathologist does? If you have a problem with dissecting animals then why wouldn’t you have a problem with autopsies?
The reason we dissect animals is to help another animal when it gets sick or when it gets seriously injured. Veterinarians all have dissected animals when studying to become a doctor, so I simply think of it as students experiencing how it is to be medically trained in a high school environment. We would never want to hurt animals to make people feel uncomfortable to the point where they feel we are violating the dead. This is an educational process that is only helping everyone understand animals’ system and I believe everyone should be brave and try it at least once in high school.