People all throughout the United States of America have different ethnicities, cultural and religious beliefs and, of course, values. The United States is known for having a melting pot society. People have come to this country from all parts of the world. When it comes to the holiday season, many people choose to say Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Happy Kwanzaa to greet people during this time of the year. However, others choose to say Happy Holidays instead of any other greeting only for the sake of being politically correct.
The traditional way to greet people during this holiday season should be Happy Holidays. Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ. Not all individuals believe in this and the words of the bible. No matter what holiday a person celebrates, having someone say Happy Holidays is a better way to greet someone during this season.
If you are talking to people and you know for sure they celebrate Christmas, then one should wish them a Merry Christmas. However, when dealing with people you don’t know too well, it is hard to know if they celebrate the holiday. Many people in the world have strong beliefs when it comes to their personal religion. One should show respect to another person by not jumping to conclusions and telling someone Merry Christmas, but greeting them with a universal Happy Holidays.