Now that the first marking period is over with, it’s safe to say that all of the freshmen students have gotten used to North Arlington High School. The first couple of months of high school have been enjoyable but challenging. The most important thing you must take into consideration is time management.
When you get an overwhelming work load, you must manage your time in an efficient way in order to get all of the work done. On some nights, you might get homework in every single class, and on other nights, maybe you only get homework in three or four classes. Either way, you shouldn’t waste time when you have the chance to get homework done.
Besides time management with homework assignments, another opportunity you should take advantage of is redoing quizzes in physics. Don’t wait until the last week of the marking period to hand in all of your resubmissions, because the teachers might not accept them. Always be on top of due dates and always put your maximum effort into assignments.
At first, high school did seem like it was going to be hard, but after adjusting to it, most of us began getting used to the high school life. I’m glad to say that I’m looking forward to the next four years at North Arlington High School!