Grammy Museum Experience
I have recently visited the new Grammy Museum Experience which opened in the Prudential Center. The museum is split into several exhibits and displays: the evolution of the Grammys, influential New Jersey native artists, and different genres of music. The structure of the museum is very modern as it feels like a pop-up shop. The linear path really makes the small space entertaining with videos and interactive events every few steps.
When you first walk in, visitors watch a ten minute recap video from the beginning of the Grammys to the most recent. As you enter the main room, there are mini-stages for visitors to test their music abilities from rock to rap. Then, there are preserved artifacts of New Jersey legends such as Whitney Houston and Bruce Springsteen to gander at. Lastly, there is a room where the latest Grammys play continuously. Surrounding it is a collection of outfits the celebrities have worn throughout the years with pictures and blurbs.
It was fun to learn more history about influential people who lived so close to us. I can’t wait to return after every Grammy to see what they will add.