The topic of certain books being banned in schools has always been discussed, but recently it’s been seriously considered all around the country. The main argument is that the content in certain books that are taught or available in school libraries isn’t suitable for students. Groups of people, including parents, lawmakers, and some teachers, have urged schools to remove books that discuss matters such as the LGBTQ+ community, race, and similar topics, saying they’re too inappropriate for students to read.
Meanwhile, others argue that students should learn about what happens in the world around them through these books. These individuals also believe that limiting what students can read in an educational environment restricts their ability to learn about social issues and world events. One of the most notable groups against the book ban is the American Library Association (ALA). Their argument is that the banning of books limits a student’s ability to think for themselves on the controversial matters brought up in books.
Some of the books lawmakers are considering taking out of schools include The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, which talks about race; Gender Queer by Angie Thomas, which is about LGBTQ+ identities; To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, both of which feature racial slurs and similar themes.
Whether or not a ban on books in schools will be implemented, many believe the topic will be debated for years.