The North Arlington High School team is hoping to improve their record from their rocky season last year. The sole returning senior Tyler Krychkowski is looking to leading the team to a successful season. This year’s team would like to be named one of the top in the division. Every day the team has a vigorous practice that lasts 2-3 hours.
The team members would also like to have the support of the school and town throughout the season. The team is hoping to get the State Champion Title they have been waiting for and with Head Coach Walsh and Assistant Coach Marcantuono they are expecting to get just that.
Tyler Krychkowski
Jesse Groome
Matt Piscal
Mark Ciulla
Julian Ortiz
Jeff Frytek
Angelo Nocciolo
Andrew Paparelli
Mike Baloga
Adrian Gomez
Nick Martin
Thai Scott
Mike Brazzel
Jose Checo