The Vikings began their fifth consecutive year of qualifying for the New Jersey State Playoffs. In the past four years, the team has gone to the second round of the post season steadily, and looked to improve to the next round this year. The team was led by an experienced defense that has contributed to the team’s seasonal success.
A major factor in this defense equation has been senior goalie, Kevin Goffredo, who has attained eight shutouts this season. These shutouts have added to the Vikings winning record of 11 wins, 4 losses, and 1 tie. Goffredo looks to keep the team focused by, “Keeping everyone very motivated during the game and helping everyone keep their composure. I also want to show everyone that I am in control of the ball, every block I make boosts our confidence to win games.” This motivation already led the team to two triumphant victories.
The Vikings, seeded 6th in their division, competed against Science Park of Newark (5-11-1) and beat them with a score of 2-1. The Vikings have also defeated New Providence with a score of 1-0. Coach Dembowski looks at the team as whole to be successful, “I believe it takes all eleven every game to win. It is hard to pick out key players when the entire team is playing great every game. The defense is doing a great job this year. Justin Cerisola has led the defense as a sweeper and works great with PJ Sirotiak who is our first wall of defense. John Cerisola and Gabe Rossi lead our attack from the back up the wings. They create most of our plays. The midfield is led by Danny Cordiero who carries the ball the most and controls the pace of the game. He has 15 assists and 13 goals this year. Derek Perez, Conrad Malinowski, Bilal Jahic, Erick Costella, and Marvin Caballero help out with the scoring and passing in the midfield to keep possession.”
Looking to the future, the team is working on a better passing game and getting the whole team involved in shooting because the more shots on goal, the more opportunities the team will have to score. Senior Justin Cerisola says the team’s plan of action is to, “Bring the ball up from the defense into midfield and take some shots because it’s all about possession in states.” The team played their final game against Brearley, losing 5-1.
The team was certainly competitive in the playoffs with the Viking spirit of “Pride, Loyalty, and Desire.” Congratulations team! You did an awesome job–you should be proud of yourselves—NAHS is!!