The North Arlington High School Golf Team

When it comes to high school sports, golf is not the usual sport that comes to the mind of many. This was a terrific year for the golf team in North Arlington High School. The NA Golf Team finished strong this season with 13 wins, 5 losses, and 1 tied game. Overall, they had a pretty solid season this year. With seniors such as Danny Goffredo, Darian Nogueras, and Phil Rosallis-Goncalves leaving after this season, the team will need the rest of the players to step up and fill their spots. Hopefully, more people will try out for the team next year.
The NA Golf Team made the state tournament this year. It was the first time they ever accomplished this feat since the beginning of the program. As the years go by, the team will only get stronger and stronger. As for making the state tournament, the team credits their coach, Mr. Farinola. All of his hard work and dedication really showed off this season, and the entire team should be proud of all the effort they put into the game! Before you know it, it’s going to be golfing season again!