NAHS Winter Track

The winter track season has just come to an end. Coaches John Zukatus and Joe Cioffi made certain the team stayed motivated throughout the entire season. The team was also supported by senior captains, Daniel Antunes and Kelly Lennon. With great support and leadership, the team was able to excel, and reach excellence. The team was able to travel and compete at Garfield High School, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Staten Island, Manhattan, and Toms River. Junior Jessica Graci reported, “We worked harder than ever this season. Winter track certainly prepared us for the competition that will arise in the spring.”
Although track team members know how to work diligently, they also know how to have a good time. As a team, members enjoy having team bonding meals at The Stack. The team firmly believes that team bonding has a positive impact on athletic performance. According to, “After any sports team wins a major championship, they celebrate and have fun. This motivates them to want to win even more.” With teamwork, support, and hard-work, the track team will certainly bring home the gold this spring season.