On September 29, 2012 the Class of 2013 held a very exciting fundraiser to raise funds for upcoming school events. The North Arlington Fire Department provided the class the hoses and space necessary to hold the car wash. One of the class advisors, Mrs. Mitchell, was very pleased with the success of the class. She stated, “The students were able to raise a total of $223!” This profit will be added to the class fund that helps pay for homecoming, prom, and class night; all very exciting events for seniors.
Mrs. Mitchell was also delighted by the new enthusiasm the car wash was able to create in the seniors. A newfound leadership was present in many students that were timid in previous years. This confidence helped the students collaborate in new ways that proved a lot of fun for everyone present. Even students who felt they couldn’t contribute as much were able to make an effort at the car wash. Mrs. Mitchell hopes, “This success will inspire other seniors to get involved.” This inspiration will prove important as more fundraising opportunities arise for seniors.
Mrs. Mitchell and her colleague, Ms. McEntee, who is the other class advisor, would like to personally thank the Fire Department for their support and all of the students for their participation!