On January 24th, 2013, the members of the Tri-M Music Honors Society held an induction ceremony for the ten newest inductees. As part of tradition, the Society selects someone as an honorary inductee for his/her contribution to the music program. This year the officers of Tri-M awarded Dr. Stringham with the honorary inductee award. Mrs. Filgueiras, mother of Rebecca Filgueiras, was also honored by the officers of the society for helping with the display of the night’s celebration. The sixth annual induction ceremony was also filled with a tremendous amount of performances. “I’ve gone to every induction ceremony but this one definitely had the best performances” said continuing member, Michael Stringham.
The ceremony was opened up with a customary instrumental number called “Fanfare” which was performed by Bryan Ugaz, Dan Hill, James Kapalyn, Ms. Corcoran and Mr. Kastner. Later on in the ceremony “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” was performed by Leandra Acosta and accompanied on guitar by her sister, Gabriela. “It was nice to see some of the performers not only sing but be accompanied by live instruments” said inductee Melissa Gilmour. Once the induction came to a close after an expansive number of performances, refreshments were offered in the cafeteria courtesy of the Music Parents Association. In summation, the sixth annual induction ceremony was most definitely a major success.
Congratulations to the following Inductees:
Melissa Gilmour
Nicholas Namnama
Nicholas Villani
Pamela Zenon
Kaitlyn Bartlett
Christina Haag
Cara-Beth Tillou
Leandra Acosta
Megan Garretson
Victoria Namnama