This years’ NAHS Drama Club musical production of 9 to 5 is currently in the works. The cast has been practicing endless hours every night focusing on different areas including; acting, singing, and dancing. Rebecca Filgueiras stated in the drama preview article, “The musical covers the revenge of three unlikely and unique women on their sexist boss by taking over his office. In doing so, each woman learns something about herself and accomplishes things that she never believed she could achieve.” Christina Haag, current junior at NAHS, who has been given the position of student choreographer stated, “I’m excited and grateful for the opportunity to be choreographing this show, and I hope the whole performance is a success.”
This year’s production will be shown on April 25th, 26th, and 27th and the tickets will cost $10. Anyone who would like to put in an advertisement in the playbill can see any of the drama club advisors and all ads are welcome. This years’ production is going to be a great success!