Having a hard time deciding on what after school activity to join? Confused by the amount of diverse clubs we offer? Want to help give back to your community? Well join S.A.D.D and Interact club! Both S.A.D.D (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and Interact club, headed by Ms. Fuller and Ms. McEntee, help high school students volunteer their time dealing with different projects that contribute to making the community a better place. Some of the projects completed last year were: the pasta dinner for the senior citizens, the Santa letters for the local elementary school children, and the Allen Park cleanup project.
Since the new school year just began, both clubs are coming up with a couple of different events, one of them being Halloween movie night in the cafeteria. When asked why people should join S.A.D.D or Interact club, Ms. Fuller gladly replied, “Because it makes your heart happy and you work off your volunteer hours requirement.” Both clubs are always looking for more members to join the battle of giving back to the community. If you couldn’t attend their first meeting, just stop by and talk to Ms. Fuller or Ms. McEntee throughout the day. So, if you’re looking for an awesome club to join that will give you the opportunity to volunteer your time for some great causes, then consider joining S.A.D.D and Interact club today!