Tips on Organization
With the second marking period coming to an end, many students are looking for ways to improve their personal and academic lives. We all know that it can be difficult to keep up with projects, assignments, personal events, and much more. Therefore, it must be noted that organization plays a pivotal role in having a successful rest of the year. As high school students, there’s a lot to juggle with school life, home life, and other extra-curricular activities. Thus, it is imperative to plan and have an organized system for keeping track of important things.
There are a couple of tips to remember about how to manage your busy schedule. Begin by making sure to always write things down. If using a planner isn’t your cup of tea, make notes in your phone. With the high speed technology of today’s era, it’s effortless to set up your phone to remind you of whatever events you have coming up. It is also crucial to space out your time. If you know you have an assignment due weeks from now, don’t wait until the last minute to complete it. This will only cause you to become overwhelmed because you probably have an even larger workload to finish.
In spite of a busy schedule, always make sure to never over complicate things for yourself. Never double book yourself or commit to more than one thing at the same time. Others must know that you are reliable and can completely devote your time to whatever it is you are participating in.
Lastly, organization is a key factor when studying comes into play. Benchmarks and finals can be a little overwhelming, but if you manage your time correctly, you’ll be sure to succeed. Cramming will only make you tired and a nervous wreck the day of the exam. All in all, be sure you have a method that you prefer when it comes to being structural. It will truly benefit you in the long run!