Student Spotlight: Ashley Arias

Ashley Arias is a 15 year old, who is currently a sophomore here at North Arlington High School. Ashley is an honors student, who works very hard to maintain an exceptional grade point average. She strives to do her best in school, as she has great plans for college and beyond. She hopes to attend a university that will best fit her needs as she wishes to become a film director. In the meantime, Ashley betters her filming and editing skills daily by being active on YouTube. Not only does YouTube prepare her for the future, but it is also something that she loves doing. If one loves what they do, it will never feel like work.
In addition, Ashley has an immense social media presence. She uses her 3,000 twitter followers, to touch the lives of young girls. Her goal is to radiate confidence, so that girls everywhere can be bold and courageous. On her twitter, she often likes to discuss the power of makeup, as it is something that she feels strongly about. Ashley aims to encourage girls to love the way that they look, whether it is with make up or without it. Ashley states, “I believe that confidence is key, and I love sharing beauty tips to make other girls feel empowered.” All in all, Ashley works hard to make an impact on others, so that they can follow their dreams and feel invincible as young women.