The summer brought many changes for the former Ms. Fash, now Mrs. Afonso. The married life has changed her life in a positive way giving her someone to look out for other than herself. Along with a wedding, teaching, and coaching, Mrs. Afonso has somehow found the time to better her education. Her main goal for this year is to focus on her new family life. This will hopefully include a trip to Portugal to meet her newly extended family. She also stated, “I am looking forward to my first holidays with my new family.” During this exciting time, Mrs. Afonso is making sure to stay organized in order to balance family and job responsibilities. She lives by the quote, “Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today.”
Mrs. Afonso is a North Arlington High School alumnus who has shaped her teaching career around this experience. She attended NJCU for her undergraduate degree and Plymouth State University for her graduate degree. Recently, she has returned to NJCU for her post-masters work, which has included getting her supervisor’s certificate and working towards her principal certification.
This education has motivated her to make a lasting impression on her students. This year she hopes to help her students “achieve the best of their abilities.” Mrs. Afonso understands the diverse population of a small town and uses this knowledge to encourage her students to be as involved as she is in the school. Teaching has taught Mrs. Afonso to always reevaluate herself and know that there is always something new to learn.