On Sunday February 28, 2013, the Oscars had their 85th ceremony to commemorate the achievements of the work of various actors. Being hosted by the comedian Seth Mcfarlen the crowd truly received quite an impressive show. For the first time in Oscar history, it had a theme that celebrated “music in movies”. As a result, various performances were done by stars like Barbra Streisand and even Adele, who performed her now award winning song, “Skyfall”. Movie enthusiast Mackenzie Cutruzzula had this to say about the performances, “My favorite was definitely the song by Jennifer Hudson, her voice is so powerful and that song is one of my favorites from the movie ‘Dreamgirls’.”
Some of the more prestigious awards went to many actors, both old and new. The award for best supporting male went to Christoph Waltz for his performance in “Django Unchained” and best supporting female went to Anne Hathaway for her exquisite portrayal of “Fantine” in “Les Miserables”. Up next, Daniel Day-Lewis won for best male lead for his masterful interpretation as President Lincoln. On the flip side was Jennifer Lawrence for her win as best female lead in the acclaimed “Silver Linings Playbook”. Senior, Rachel Fanaro had this to say about the quirky stars win, “I really enjoyed ‘Silver Linings Playbook’, Jennifer Lawrence really deserved the win she received.” Finally, the most anticipated award of best movie of the year went to Ben Afflek’s, “Argo”. Even teacher Mrs. Hughes agreed with the win, “‘Argo’ was awesome!” In summation, living up to the hype, the 85th annual Oscars truly was a great way to spend one’s Sunday night!