Wellness Fair
For the first time in North Arlington’s history, the North Arlington High School in coordination with the North Arlington Borough Health Department proudly presented the Community Health, Wellness & Safety Fair. There were many opportunities to have fun and even take some time to focus on one’s well-being with free Health, Family & Safety Resources, music, free giveaways, kickboxing, yoga, dance, martial arts, Swarovski’s crystals for a cause, free healthy snacks, wellness crafts, Zumba, interactive demonstrations, and free health screenings.
The Community Health, Wellness & Safety Fair offered much needed knowledge and services to students, staff and residents of the town. It provided information about numerous programs and facilities from all over town and Bergen County. We learned about Bergen County’s Lead Safe Kids program, RWJ Barnabas Health, LPC NJ Mindful Counseling Services, Bergen Volunteer Medical Initiative, North Arlington Fire Department, Kessler, AAA, Bergen’s Promise, Everfi, CBH Care, Walgreens, 800-Gambler, The Social Scene, New Day Community, Zentai, and our Stigma Free Campaign.
This event certainly was a success. Many who attended were impressed with the countless participants and informants. We would like to thank Ms. Rodriguez, our Stigma Free Campaign coordinator, for making this possible!