Daylight Savings Time rolls around every year and it always seems to throw some people’s sleep schedule off. Daylight savings time started this year on March 10, 2013 at 2:00 am. Most Americans set their clocks an hour ahead before they went to bed on Saturday night. What is the real reason for daylight savings time?
Daylight Savings Time happens so people can get more sunlight time. The sun rises one hour earlier and sets one hour later. According to, Americans have only used daylight saving time in the last 100 years. However, the idea for the time change started way before that. It was first used in World War I in Germany to save fuel and other materials for the war.
Something that many may not know about Daylight Savings Time is that most people in Arizona don’t set their clocks. They do not go by the time change. They stay on Mountain Standard Time all year round except for a Navajo community in Arizona, who observe daylight saving time. Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands also don’t use daylight saving time as well. As of today, it is used in 70 different countries and it affects about a billion people each year. In the US, Daylight Saving time ends at 2am on November 3, 2013.